Ceratopteris is a common aquatic or semi-aquatic fern of moderate size which is easily identified by the structure of the fronds. These fronds are branched and resemble antlers, therefore this fern is commonly referred to as antlerfern. This genus has a total of 6 species all found in humid, tropic areas. It is found growing in wetlands submerged or emerged in muddy substrate, It is also commonly grown in aquariums and laboratories as it displays an ideal DNA structure for the fern plants and is easily grown.
Images derived from the Flora of Western Australia web page.
Ceratopteris is an erect aquatic or subaquatic fern of moderate size. This fern has a modified stem which is continuously growing, short and fleshy. This modified stem is known as a rhizome and in this genus it is loosely rooted in mud or free floating. This rhizomes shape is symmetrical around a central point. The vascular tissue responsible for water and nutrient transport in the fern root is situated in the centre, running longitudinally up the plant.
The fronds of the fern contain a stipule: a stalk-like structure to help in composition. The stipule is fleshy, with longitudinal airways. The vascular tissue for water and nutrient transport in the frond is organised in a ring runing up the plant. The leaf blades have two forms: sterile and fertile in which fertilization takes place. The leaves are segmented into several lobes. These are broad, thin, pliable and somewhat transparent. Veins are arranged in network structure, free veinlets included. Multiple buds protrude out of lobe axil on the stem of the plant. Fertile fronds are longer, slimmer, and erect. Lobes are curved to cover surface containing organs as a protective measure. .
Spore bearing areas are solitary, scattered along leaf veins and protected by the curved lobe on leaf. These spores are large, specialised cells for reproduction and are a broad shape. They occur irregularly in 30-70 thickened cells, or lacking, containing 16 to 32 spores which are large and ribbed.
Important in the study of plants containing vascular tissue transport systems, Ceratopteris is commonly used as a model organism for DNA studies in other fern species. It is easily and rapidly grown in laboratory environments.
Classification of Ceratopteris has undergone alterations, previously placed in the Parkeriaceae group and believed to be unique due to aquatic modifications. Recent genetic analysis has shown it to be closer associated to the Acrostichum genus within Pteridaceae.
Located in humid, tropic areas, four to six species present.
Commonly used in aquariums, immersed in substrate or floating. Most common species found in aquariums are the C. thalictroides and C. pteridoides. Ceratopteris has also been known as “water lettuce” and used as a food source in the past however studies have indicated these plants are carcinogenic when ingested.
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