
PageAuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
663M. . Y Chung, Chung M. G.2013Significant spatial aggregation and fine‐scale genetic structure in the homosporous fern cyrtomium falcatum (dryopteridaceae)
D. Stang2013Taenitis pinnata: Family Pteridaceae, Evolution info
M. Hassler2013Catalogue of Life: World Ferns
2013Lygodium flexuosum
2013Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw.:Ophioglossum scandens
2013Natural resource conservation service
599J. Gago, Coopman, R. E., Cabrera, H. M., Hermida, C., Molins, A., Conesa, M. A., Galmes, J., Ribas-Carbo, M., Flexas, J.2013Photosynthesis limitations in three fern species
Department of Parks and Wildlife2013Conservation codes for Western Australia Flora and Fauna
I. U. C. N. redlist2013Microlepia Fern
C. T Chambers2013A review of the genus Stenochlaena (Blechnaceae, subfamily Stenochlaenoideae)
P. H. Raven, Evert, R. F., Eichhorn, S. E.2013Biology of Plants
2013CONSERVATION CODES for Western Australian flora and fauna
lifestyle home2013Plant this: doodia caudata
A. Chapman2013A visual guide to the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) in WA
802A. Vijayalakshmi2013Evaluation of goitrogenic and antithyroidal effect of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris
P. H. Raven, Evert, R. F., Eichhorn, S. E.2013Biology of Plants
G. Yatskievych2013Pteridaceae
74R. Zhang, Liu, T., Wu, W., Li, Y., Chao, L., Huang, L., Zhou, R.2013Molecular evidence for natural hybridization in the mangrove fern genus acrostichum
R. F. Evert, Eichhorn S. E.2013Raven Biology of Plants
Dof the Environment2013Approved Conservation Advice for Selaginella andrewsii (Tallebudgera spikemoss)
402P. Korall, Pryer K. M.2014Global biogeography of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae): evidence for Gondwanan vicariance and limited transoceanic dispersal
CABI2014Invasive Species Compendium
M. A. Hyde, Wursten, B. T., Ballings, P., Palgrave, C.2014Flora of Zimbabwe: Genus Page: Ophioglossum.
2014The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
W. Commons2014Microlepia strigosa
Fof the Wor FOTW)2014Microlepia strigosa
Pand Wildli Dof2014Florabase
A. Government2014Atlas of Living Australia
DPAW2014FloraBase - Actinostachys digitata
EOL2014Encyclopedia of Life - Actinostachys
ALA2014Atlas of Living Australia - Occurrence Record: DNA: DNA D0048700 - Actinostachys digitata
DPAW2014Department of Parks and Wildlife - Threatened Species and Communities
P. Karaket2014Ferns of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia - Actinostachys digitata (L.) Wall. ex C.F.Reed
V. Irudayaraj2014IUCN Redlist page
A. Spooner2014Cyclosorus on Florabase DPAW WA
Aof Living Australia2014Atlas of Living Australia Cyclosorus
2014Atlas of Living Australia - Stenochlaena
Florabase2014Stenochlaena distribution through Western Australia
W. Australian Herbarium2014FloraBase - Stenochlaena
J. VanZile2014Acrostichum - Growing swamp ferns
T. Taxonomicon2014 Taxon: Genus Paraceterach
Department of Parks and Wildlife2014Florabase the Western Australian flora
2014Adiantum Philippense sori
113M. Noubarani2014Effect of Adiantum Capillus veneris Linn on an Animal Model of Testosterone-Induced Hair Loss
2014Encyclopedia of Life (EOL),2014ABRS Flora of Australia Online Search Results


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith